The Lochwood Parents Group
For more information about membership and events, please email us at lochwoodpg@gmail.com or go to our website!
The Lochwood Parents Group (LPG) was founded to bring neighborhood parents together for babysitting, sharing information, and fun.
The LPG serves as the prime social center for families in the neighborhood, hosting fantastic events throughout the year. Whether it's lively celebrations, exclusive parent gatherings, or family-friendly get-togethers, the LPG offers a great opportunity to connect with new and old parent friends in the community!
Members can solicit service referrals from each other, notify other members about neighborhood events and activities, and share parenting news, ideas, questions, and concerns.
There are informational bimonthly meetings, as well as many couples' and family events the LPG hosts:
Annual Easter-Egg-Hunt
Christmas party
Mother’s/Dad's Nights Out
Couples' Nights Out
Adults-only parties
The LPG also generously hosts neighborhood/community favorites such as the Annual Fourth of July Parade & Party and the Halloween Party - where families gather and go trick-or-treating together.